Does Bird Gel Work?
Does Pigeon Gel Work?
Repellent gels have been around for a long time and there are many different versions available. They can be a legitimate part of an effective bird control program. The application of a bird repellent gel will theoretically work to deter any bird species. That is, as long as it's applied correctly for the specific bird problem you're dealing with. If you're looking for effective pigeon control, the gel should be applies in a bead roughly the circumference of a #2 pencil. You want it applied in an irregular pattern, never leaving gaps of more than a few inches wide. For smaller birds, the circumference of the bead should be much smaller so swallows and other small species don't get stuck in the larger beads of gel. The spacing should also be closer. We do not recommend applying any pigeon repellent gel to solar panels.
Best Selling Bird Repellent Gel
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How Do You Remove Bird Repellent Gel?
The fact is that this product will need to be removed and reinstalled every 6-12 months. The longer is sits out in the open, the more dirt, feathers, feces, etc. will stick to it, making it less and less effective and more and more visible. Mineral spirits work great and can be purchased at most hardware and/or home improvement stores.
Does Bird Gel Work?
Does Pigeon Gel Work?
Repellent gels have been around for a long time and there are many different versions available. They can be a legitimate part of an effective bird control program. The application of a bird repellent gel will theoretically work to deter any bird species. That is, as long as it's applied correctly for the specific bird problem you're dealing with. If you're looking for effective pigeon control, the gel should be applies in a bead roughly the circumference of a #2 pencil. You want it applied in an irregular pattern, never leaving gaps of more than a few inches wide. For smaller birds, the circumference of the bead should be much smaller so swallows and other small species don't get stuck in the larger beads of gel. The spacing should also be closer. We do not recommend applying any pigeon repellent gel to solar panels.
How Do You Remove Bird Repellent Gel?
The fact is that this product will need to be removed and reinstalled every 6-12 months. The longer is sits out in the open, the more dirt, feathers, feces, etc. will stick to it, making it less and less effective and more and more visible. Mineral spirits work great and can be purchased at most hardware and/or home improvement stores.
"We needed real pigeon control in Avondale as our budget was very limited. Our neighbors used these guys and were very happy so we gave them a call. They showed up on time, gave us a fair price and did a great job. We don't have pigeons on our roof anymore!"
Does Bird Repellent Gel Work?
Pigeon Control Avondale AZ