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How Do I Get Rid Of Pigeons In Phoenix?

  • Phoenix pigeons produce an enormous amount of feces, which causes damages to both commercial and residential properties every year:
    • It clogs up the roof drainage system. Whether it’s a flat roof, a pitch roof; shingle, tile, rolled or foam roofing; residential, industrial, commercial; 1 story or 20 stories. All roofing systems have a drainage system built in and when the feces clogs it up, the water often ends up going places it wasn’t intended to go. We get lots of referrals from roofing companies.
    • If the roofing has been clogged up for a while, the water can end up seeping or leaking directly into the structure. This can lead to all sorts of problems such as ruined drywall, electrical shorts, damaged flooring, cabinets, electronics, furniture – the list goes on and on.
    • Pigeon poop is extremely acidic so it will damage just about any surface it is allowed to sit on. That includes the roof, the pop out ledges, chimney, A/C or evap units, sky lights, electrical fixtures, roof-mounted solar panels, cool decking, rock features, fencing, sidewalks and drive ways, vehicles, awnings, umbrellas – you name it and pigeon poop can stain and/or ruin it. Pigeon poop removal is a must.
    • If birds get into and nest in an A/C or evap unit the feces will eventually build up until it clogs up the air flow and causes the units to not work.